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spaya memBEr reward
5% off on all retail products
10% off on all services
exclusive birthday reward
share and referral benefits
Free to join
10% off on all retail products
15% off on all services
exclusive birthday reward
share and referral benefits
Spend $2000
15% off on all retail products
20% off on all services
exclusive birthday reward
share and referral benefits
Spend $3500
20% off on all retail products
25% off on all services
exclusive birthday reward
share and referral benefits
Spend $5000
Every client is eligible for member rewards, such as service & product discounts, birthday rewards, and more. No membership or monthly charges are required. The member reward tier is determined by the total ordering histories including services, products in-store and online, all previous transactions included, and no time limit. Please contact our office if you have any questions. Spaya skin clinic reserved all the rights. Thank you for your continuous support.
We look forward to seeing you.
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